Barney Webb

Where are you from + What is your background?

I have lived in Ankeny for 25 years.  The family moved here from a far west suburb of Chicago back in 1997. 


Outside of work you will find me….?

I enjoy boating with my family on Saylorville Lake, playing golf with the boys on weekends, relaxing with the neighbors on our patio, and watching Hawkeye football on Saturdays!


Something one of your client’s may not know about you?

I am the extremely proud father of the most beautiful twin daughters.  Addison and Brynlee continue to be the highlight of my life everyday…however the teen years are fast approaching.


Most Unique thing you have sold to a client?

The product was nothing to special …just t-shirts, but the company was having the board members do a surprise mud run and the t-shirts were the prize they got once they finished. 😊 I found that hilarious.


Why Universal?

Brian and Sara are great to work with, and the culture here is better than anything I have experienced.